Ezra Oliver
Dr. Wright
Eg 111-05
19 Sept 2017
Myths about Men:
What are some myths about men? Where do you want me to start? I could sit here and tell you many myths about men but I am going to talk about 3 main myths that I think are very important. The first being that all men are brave, next all men don’t cry or all men aren’t the weaker sex, and lastly that all men care about is sex. These myths is what most men get judged or labeled upon. I am going to explain to you about how these aren’t true because men are looked down on when they don’t get things done.
The first myth I am going to talk about is that is that all men are brave. Most men are scared of many things. Many men are scared that they will be alone forever or never find a soul mate. Men think that being alone for the rest of your life is true, according to proactivemindfulness.com “75 percent of men 15 and over get married at least once in their life”, although many other men will never want to get married but will talk to women there whole life. Next men are scared of fatherhood or that they will not be a good father to their children. Although, most men are great father for example my dad has always been a great father to me, and that applies to most fathers. They do more than their children actually expect their fathers to do. Lastly, many men are scared of a bad death for example, drowning, burning or getting smashed by something. I am very scared of a slow or bad death. I would rather die anyway rather than drowning or burning. Men are not the bravest thing ever.
Do men cry¸ yes all men cry over something sometime in their life however most men don’t want to admit to crying. According to greatist.com men will cry 1.9 times a month, it also states that it’s very normal to have a monthly cry and also ditchthelabel.org states 71 percent of men don’t think its okay to cry. So a man will cry on average 22-23 times a year and little less than 75 percent of men think it’s not okay to cry although they will 1-2 times a month. Many men may cry more or less that is just the average. The myth that men aren’t the weaker sex, all men are weak in some way whether it be according to thoughtcatalog.com men needing women more than women needing men or maybe even because men are the weaker sex because thoughtcatalog.com they change their entire personality based on whether women find it attractive, not based on what makes them happy and lastly maybe even the fact thoughtcatalog.com says men are the weaker sex because, like a child, they need everything to be about them. That covers that men do cry and that men are the weaker sex.
Lastly being that all men care about is sex. Is this true or false, well according to http://webcenters.netscape.compuserve.com a women wants sex just as much as a man although women tend to work full time jobs just like a man does but when they come home a man will most likely lay down or something while the women may be cooking or working around the house and then when bedtime comes around she’s wore out doesn’t want sex she just wants rest. Also according to http://webcenters.netscape.compuserve.com for grown men, other parts of their lives are equally important as sex. It's called real life. There is nothing like work, stress, pressure, bills and arguments to put a damper of wanting sex anytime, anywhere. Many men may always want sex but it’s not just the only thing they care about, they care about supporting and taking care of their family and life.
There is many myths about men but I have stated there main ones that I think men get labeled for in today’s culture. First being that all men are brave, next being that men don’t cry or aren’t the weaker sex and lastly that men only care about sex. There might not be a good solution to this other than basically just not looking at men to do everything since they are humans as well and everyone has weakness. There is many more myths about men but them was the most important to me. I hope you understand now how these myths aren’t true.
Work Cited
Bex. “Guys Dont Cry.” Ditchthelabel, 17 May 2017, www.ditchthelabel.org/guys-dont-cry
Kreider, Rose M, and Jason M Fields. “Marriage Statistics, Separation & Infidelity Statistics.” Proactivemindfullness, 2012, proactivemindfulness.com/relationships/statistics.htm.
Stockton, Chrissy. “17 Ways We Know Men Are The Weaker Sex.” Thought Catalog, 3 June 2014, thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2014/06/17-ways-we-know-men-are-the-weaker-sex/.
Watson, Zach. “Do You Cry More Than the Average Person?” Greatist, 15 Apr. 2016, greatist.com/live/crying-do-you-cry-more-than-the-average-person.
“Top 10 Sex Myths.” Webcenters, 2017, webcenters.netscape.compuserve.com/whatsnew/package.jsp?name=fte/10sexmyths/10sexmyths
https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/group-of-men?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=group%20of%20men (picture)